First up, tell us your name, country & work title please:
Tom, The Netherlands, and Publisher
What was the reason you initially reached out for coaching? (Where were you at in life/ business/ career/ fitness at the time?)
I wanted to get clarity towards my job and career. I was stuck in a perpetual cycle of change/don't change without much clarity towards what I was seeking. Together with Steph, we broke the cycle!
What achievements are you most proud of yourself for achieving during our time together?
Understanding my core professional values was an incredible experience. I now refer to these elements often. It's such a simple concept that too many people (including myself) overlook. Through this clarity, I was able to take action on a variety of career related questions.
What have you recently discovered about yourself?
My professional values, what motivates me in a job and what facets of my work/personal life are aligning with my values.
What is next for you? What new goals are you striving towards now?
Bigger, and better things at work. Mostly through understanding important elements that help keep me motivated and inspired. My personal goals are to continue to pursue my values and passions through hobbies.
Do you have any gems of wisdom for anyone who might be on a similar journey right now?
No job is perfect or expected to fulfill your "happiness". Find a combination of hobbies, lifestyle and work. All together, these areas of your life will give you the energy, focus and determination to succeed.
Anything else you would love to say about your experience with coaching?
You have all your answers. Steph will help you unlock them. Thanks Steph!
How might people find you/ get in touch for your services?
If you'd like to speak to me directly. Please go through Steph and she'll put us in touch if it's appropriate.
Book in a complimentary 20 minute discovery call.
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