The MMC Self-Isolation Support Guide

First of all, wherever you are in the world right now, I am sending you a big, warm virtual hug. 💛

I hope you, your family and loved ones are healthy, safe and keeping relatively sane!

I’m in Amsterdam with Sammy, Freddie and our dog Simba and we are in our fifth week of the COVID-19 self-isolation procedures here. Although we are experiencing less-strict measures than some of our neighbouring countries, we are all still feeling the impact of this upheaval to our usual routines and adjusting to this new ‘temporary normal’.

Last week I was curious to know how people in my network have been boosting their mindset during lockdown. So I spoke with almost 50 people - I asked them for their top resource (app/ podcast/article) that has helped to boost their mindset or mood.

Together with my own resources, I put together this guide to:

  1. Share some useful resources that might help you, or someone you know, in this pandemic period.

  2. Shine some positivity and optimism to this situation. Even if brings a small positive shift in your world.

  3. Help you be at your strongest and feel even more supported throughout this time. When our mindset is strong, our immunity is too. 

We’re in this together

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One thing about this is that we are truly all in this together. Knowing that the whole world fighting this together is definitely a unifying feeling. Everyone you will walk past in the street, your neighbour, and even people on the other side of the planet to you are also feeling the effects of this pandemic. 

I really hope that one day we will look at this crisis as a transformative time for humanity (even if it might not be so clear now). 

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An important note before we dive into the Support Guide:

  • What is most important to you right now?

  • Without looking at what others are doing or comparing your experience, what are you really wanting to make from this lockdown time?

  • If you were to look back on this period, what would you be most proud of?

I want to begin with these questions because, only you can decide what is most important for you in your world right now.

Everywhere we look online at the moment, there are lots of experts coming out of the woodwork to tell us what we ‘should’ be doing.

And as wonderful as it is to have tutorials, webinars and free online workouts at our fingertips - I know that it can all feel overwhelming as well.

I’ll admit - I’ve been guilty of this too. I’ve been encouraging my community to keep finding the opportunities, to focus on what we *can* control and to find the silver lining in every day. 

But despite this, it’s truly ok to feel demotivated.    

It’s totally ok to give space to the roller coaster of emotions we are all feeling right now.

I want you to know that I’m here to support you and your mindset through this time in the best ways I can. 

Maybe it’s simply cutting through all of this noise and getting back to what is most important to you? 

Maybe you want to find more energy in your days and feel more motivated?

Whatever is right for you - own it.

So that being said, please navigate this support guide as some support and inspiration.☀️

Jump to sections:

I’ve broken this guide into sections, under the ‘My Mindset Coach pillars’

Connection/ Movement/ Play / Grow / Give

*Not every section might resonate or be relevant to your unique situation and that is totally ok. Jump to what you most need right now (or bookmark this page for later).

  • Connection (Ideas for staying connected whilst socially distancing)

  • Movement (My favourite ideas and links to keep your bod’ moving)

  • Play (Some fun and feel-good ideas and links)

  • Grow (If your up for learning some new skills)

  • Give (Ways to keep supporting your community and small businesses)

  • Additional mental health support (Crisis Centers, Crisis Counselling and Hotlines)

Want more inspiration for personal growth? You can check out my Inspiration Hub

It is a private page where you’ll find a whole range of audios, articles and resources to help tackle any creative, business or emotional challenge. 


(Ideas for staying connected while socially distancing)

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I know that nothing replaces a big warm hug but there are still lots of meaningful ways to keep in touch with your loved ones.

We already know that Zoom video, Google Hangouts are handy in these times. 

These are some of the best ideas I’ve heard for keeping in touch:

  • Having a goal to connect or reach out with 1 person per day - just simply to check in.

  • Scheduling regular virtual coffees or virtual walks using FaceTime or Zoom

  • Having a morning intention-setting meeting with a colleague or accountability partner - at the start of the Day or start of the week.

  • The team at Project Fearless have been loving this question at the start of a virtual catch up: What's your weekly win?

  • Starting the day with a morning walk with an inspiring podcast or uplifting beats.

  • Back to basics - fresh air, sun and exercise.🌼

  • Gratitude - At any moment noticing at least 3 things you are grateful for in that moment.

  • Writing some ‘snail mail’.

    Putting pen to paper and sending a note to a friend to let them know you are thinking about them and sending love.

  • If you have housemates or are living with family - taking some offline time to connect. Board games, puzzles, date nights or setting up a ritual that is meaningful to you together.

  • Simply giving eye-contact and a smile to whomever you pass on the street.

    We can keep a safe 1.5m distance and still acknowledge people with a smile (it may a long way)

  • For me personally, I’ve had a 4pm walk blocked out in my calendar every day (Monday - Friday). I have used this as my ‘social time’ to connect with friends and family virtually whilst on my walk.

  • On low days - I acknowledge them, give myself space to feel and process what I am feeling. I might talk about it or journal or move by body. 

    Giving ourselves space to feel, forgiveness and staying flexible in this time is especially important.

Some articles:

Think You Have No Time to Feel? Think Again.

6 Ways to Raise your Energy and Let more Love in:


(Ideas and links to keep your bod’ moving)

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We are so lucky to have virtual gym workouts and fitness challenges at our fingertips. However, I also understand that this might also feel somewhat overwhelming. 

If you are feeling this, go back to basics and do what you most enjoy. Even if you are moving once daily.

Keep it simple.

I have been connecting with a group of ladies via Zoom at lunchtime (4 days a week) and we randomly choose a 10-15 minute energizer workout from this list: 💪

Popsugar fitness

Pamela Reif


Perhaps you could create a challenge with one of your colleagues or lockdown buddies? I always feel more energized after these energizer sessions. (Even if I don’t always feel like it beforehand!)

Some more favourites:

(For all fitness levels and body types)

  • DownDog App You can choose from hundreds of at-home yoga, HIIT, Barre, and 7-minute workouts. It is all completely free until April 1st.

  • Yoga nidra - A guided visualisation for deeper sleep.

  • Yoga with Adriene

  • Alomoves it's a website that has over 1000 workout videos all in one place. I have a stretch program that I'm following that is between 10 to 20 minutes a day and it makes me feel productive even if I'm not doing much

Something more challenging:

  • I’m loving the Crossfit Games weekly workouts.

    They are bloody challenging and I’m definitely stretching comfort zone here!

Instagram Workouts:

Right now my Instagram is filled with fitness and I love it, it is keeping me motivated.

Some recommended profiles to follow for live yoga or workouts:









(Some fun and feel-good ideas and links)

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What did you do for fun when you were a child? 

What is something you have been wanting to do for years and you haven’t given it time or space in your schedule? 

What activities give you energy?

Here are some more ideas (from those shared with me too). Many are dance related! 💃


(If your up for learning some new skills)

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Of course, I’m going to suggest all things personal-growth here!

It’s a really amazing time to find free resources on the internet. While we are lucky to have this access, remembering that you don’t have to do it all.

Just pick and choose the things that are right for you, right now.


(Ways to keep supporting your community and small businesses)

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  • Nextdoor: is a neighbourhood-hub app. With this app you can stay informed about what’s going on in your neighbourhood—whether it’s offering help, connecting or sharing safety tips.

  • Mindful purchasing: If you’re in a position to, consider supporting different small businesses in your local area by grabbing a takeaway meal or coffee out. Share the love around by shopping in smaller grocers instead of the larger supermarkets.

Additional mental health support

(Crisis Centers, Crisis Counselling and Hotlines)

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I am well aware that for many people in the world, this time is not about memes, Netflix and baking banana bread.

It might be stressful, scary and changes in normal life routines might be triggering. 

If you are having difficulty coping, please know that you are not alone and that help is only a call or click away.

If anyone you know is struggling, make an effort to touch base to let them know you are thinking about them and offer any support in the way you can.

Please share this guide with anyone you think might also benefit from having it in their back pocket.

This resource provides strategies designed to be used in a proactive way and are not designed to manage or treat significant emotional difficulties. If you need immediate help please make sure you speak with your health professional or contact lifeline on 131 114 or use any of these crisis support links in your country

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A final note

Finally (if you are still reading!) I am sending my love and a big warm hug to you.

I’d love to hear what your taking from this support guide - I’d love to cheer you on!

Let me know If you want any support towards your current goals.

I have opened up calls at 10am most days Monday - Friday for quick 20 minute check-ins for those who want to connect and reset their energy.

This is my gift to you.❤️️

Keep hanging in there and find that silver lining.

Lots of love,

